Seeing What Others Miss: An Application of Quantum Mechanics to Improve Therapeutic Effectiveness

Have you ever felt someone else’s mood? How can you explain this? Have you ever been told you were being too sensitive? Or downright crazy for feeling something you knew to be sincerely verifiable, but it couldn’t be understood? Not rationally anyway.


Do certain individuals make you feel “icky?” Or do you ever walk away from an encounter with someone who you thought gave off positive “vibes?”


How do we explain this?


Influenced by the work of William James, and looking to the field of quantum mechanics, in this program, Jennifer asks us to leap over logic and investigate the invisible forces that entangle and bond us together. This is a full participation (experience over education) workshop that takes us on a fascinating somatic journey that aims to pique more interest in making sense of and understanding what we cannot see. Attuning to the magic of the space between us is what separates the average therapists from those achieving clinical excellence.




Part A


·      A quirkology approach to understanding the brain using Brain Games

·      An expansive, cellular, and experiential understanding of the soma

·      An actionable and revolutionary way to attune to the contingency space between us


Part B


·      A basic comprehension of quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement

·      Somatically understanding how we organized and “quantified” ourselves to fit our environment

·      Balancing what is outside of us with what is inside of us using a nonduality integration exercise to expand our vision of reality

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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Somatic Psycho-therapist + Meditation Coach, 20+ years

Jennifer Finch, M.A., LPC, NCC, SEP, CBCT


Jennifer is a Bowen systems body psycho-therapist and trauma specialist. She is the founder of Be Here Now Mindfulness, LLC, an international nonduality meditation teacher, a teacher trainer, a beguiling writer, an avid non-fiction reader and practitioner of a small private practice dedicated to embodiment and trauma recovery. She has studied under many influential trailblazers in the somatic psychology field including: Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Dr. Stephen Porges. In somatic meditation she is currently working under the mentorship of Dr. Reginald Ray, and Dr. Judith Blackstone. Jennifer’s work and research lies at the intersection of spirituality and psychology. When she is not voraciously trying to make sense of what she cannot see, you can find her at a music festival dancing in a field with her fun-loving family.

What you’ll learn

    • The Framework of Quantum Mechanics

    • Changing Your Perception Changes Everything

    • Discarding What You Know and Who You Are

    • Becoming a Supershrink

    • Are Therapists More Effective Than Psychics?

    • Naming He Who Shall Not Be Named: The Bio of a VIP in Psychology and Understanding Why He is Important in Quantum Psychology

    • Understanding System One and System Two of our Brain

    • Training in Nonduality

    • Opening to Multidimensional Awareness

    • Quantum Physics Being Used Today in Medicine

    • The Now and All Other Time

    • Core Breath Exercise

Course FAQ

  • Simply go back to the Courses + Retreats page, scroll down to this on-demand course and click on the button that states: Sign Up.

    You will be taken to a payment page to complete your registration. Follow the prompts from there and begin the course.

  • You will have this course until the internet shuts off. It is a self-paced course. You can take as much, or as little time as you would like to complete it. If you did it in one day, there would be about 6 hours of material.

  • I appreciate your interest in my online course. I want to inform you that, unfortunately, I do not offer refunds for this course. I have designed the course to provide valuable content and resources, and I am committed to supporting your learning journey to the best of my ability. If you have any questions or concerns about the course or its content, please feel free to reach out to me, and I will be happy to assist you in any way I can. Thank you for understanding.

  • Unfortunately, at this time this course does not offer CEs.